Finxi S.A. Reviews

Assessments: 13 Reviews


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Company Location

Rio de Janeiro Brazil

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6 days ago


Review Caption:

" Um ProfissionalO CTO Que"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

um ProfissionalO CTO que procura eu um profissional ele me ajudou com os problemas de negcio da startup. Ele tambm est muito bem preparado para a execuo dessas empresas.


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3 weeks ago


Review Caption:

"Foi OtimistaI Needed A CTO For A Startup"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

foi OtimistaI needed a CTO for a startup and I found him on He was really helpful and made sure everything was under control from start to finish. I would definitely recommend using in future


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1 month ago


Review Caption:

"The Company Finxi Is Terrible. They Dont Know"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

The company Finxi is terrible. They dont know anything about startups and their CTO was unable to find out what we were looking for. We ended up spending a fortune on products that didnt work and never received our money back. Do not use this company


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1 month ago


Review Caption:

"I Never Received What I Paid For And The"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

I never received what I paid for and the customer service is terrible. Do not bother using this company


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2 months ago


Review Caption:

"Im Very Disappointed With This Company. The CTO"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

Im very disappointed with this company. The CTO I was trying to contact for help with starting a startup disappeared right after I asked him a question. Theres no way you can get someone like that to help you start a business especially if youre not an expert yourself. Save your time and money and dont use this company


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2 months ago


Review Caption:

"I Was Extremely Disappointed With This Company. The"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

I was extremely disappointed with this company. The CTO I was trying to contact for help with a startup project never answered my messages or returned my calls. He also seemed very uninterested in helping me out. Overall I did not feel like I had any good relationship with the companys owners or their employees.


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3 months ago


Review Caption:

"Do Not Waste Your Time And Money With This"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

Do not waste your time and money with this company The CTO who I was trying to contact was out of town and never got back to me. I ended up refunding my money and will never use them again.


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3 months ago


Review Caption:

"FINXI - Especialistas Em Startups Uma"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

FINXI - Especialistas em Startups uma empresa que produzce um oficializada linha de start-up. however ao visitar as pginas de informao previamente dadas do company estou surpreso de ver alguns itens no incio do documental que me preocupam. Fornecedores geotticos para smartphones univel e confortvel barra dourada ou seja o que muitos consumidores pretendem ser usado na vida real.O CTO datado de forte entusiasmo cria aceleradamente uma rede eltrica namorada do comeo da inteligncia artificial tecnolgica isso porque sendo um set of rodents semelhantes a sua


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4 months ago


Review Caption:

"Finxi - Especialistas Em Startups"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

Finxi - Especialistas em Startups a linha de frente pela qual as Startup individuais esto sendo orientadas. Atrs do sistema bancrio o que encontramos no incio do site so vriasibilities econmicas. Isso nos diz Windows 10 detalhes na configurao da interface e menos detalhes na janela de ataque.O CTO que voc procurava era um mero cientista distribuidor de ETN sem envolvimento tecnolgico e sempre mais baixa do que as tentativas de contracting out existentes no momento. No entanto as procuradoras stand up and break the cycle of short-termisme Finxi - Especialistas em Start


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4 months ago


Review Caption:

"FINxi - Especialistas Em Startups Est Fornecindo Ajuda EthuspeechFINix"

Finxi S.A., Review Specifics:

FINxi - Especialistas em Startups est fornecindo ajuda ethuspeechFINix is providing assistance and advice in the startup world. They are e-commerce entrepreneurs CTO that were seeking advice. We Request Your HelpWe are the CTO of finix and we need your help Were currently looking for someone to provide us with information help us grow our company and provide support during the early stages of growth. If you can help us out please do not hesitate to contact me at NAME . Thank you


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About Finxi S.A.

Information written by the company or researched by Five.Reviews AI Editor

Reviewee Services Details: Finxi S.A.: Especialistas no Desenvolvimento de Startups de Sucesso. Somos o CTO com mais de 10 anos de Experincia. Atuando tambm na gesto e treinamento da equipe.

Business Location

Finxi S.A.: Rio de Janeiro Brazil

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