Live1 Reviews

Assessments: 13 Reviews


(The Five.Reviews ratings Score is calculated using various factors like active domain, number of reviews and their age. Latest reviews will have a higher Five.Reviews Score.)

Company Location

District 1 Vietnam

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7 hours ago


Review Caption:

"I Have Been Using Live1 For Over A Year Now"

Live1, Review Specifics:

I have been using Live1 for over a year now and I can say without doubt that the software development process has been extremely efficient and effective. The team is always willing to help out and are always up for learning new things. Overall I would recommend Live1 to anyone looking for an effective and efficient software development service.


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2 weeks ago


Review Caption:

"Hi ThereThank You So Much For The"

Live1, Review Specifics:

Hi thereThank you so much for the great software development support you provided during our project. Your help was invaluable and your knowledge of the subject matter is top-notch. You went above and beyond in every way making sure that our project ran smoothly and arrived on time. We really appreciate all that you did for us Thank you again and well definitely be using your services again in the future


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1 month ago


Review Caption:

"I Have Been Using Live1"

Live1, Review Specifics:

I have been using Live1 for the past year and couldnt be happier. The software development in Vietnam is incredibly difficult and this software development company has made it easy for me to get the best quality code without any hassle. Thanks Live1


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1 month ago


Review Caption:

"I Was Very Disappointed With The Company The"

Live1, Review Specifics:

I was very disappointed with the company The software development experience was terrible and I got a lot of wrong advice from their staff. I ended up spending a lot of money on orders that didnt work out and I didnt get what I expected from the product.


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2 months ago


Review Caption:

"Do Not Use This Company. They Do Not"

Live1, Review Specifics:

Do not use this company. They do not know what theyre doing. The software development Vietnam is a scam and the people who work for them might as well be working for a snakeoil salesman. Save your money and go somewhere else.


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2 months ago




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3 months ago


Review Caption:

"1 Live1 Is A Scam. They Promise"

Live1, Review Specifics:

1 Live1 is a scam. They promise you free software development when in reality they charge you for the software they develop. Do not trust them2 The support staff is incompetent and unhelpful. Do not rely on their help.


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3 months ago


Review Caption:

"Company Live1 Is A Miserable Experience. The Customer Service"

Live1, Review Specifics:

Company Live1 is a miserable experience. The customer service is cold and unhelpful. I had to call them multiple times to get help with tasks that were not easy to solve. The results did not seem to be what they seemed to be...


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4 months ago


Review Caption:

"Company Live1 Is A Company Which Provides Software Development"

Live1, Review Specifics:

Company Live1 is a company which provides software development services for businesses in Vietnam. But when I used their website it seemed like they were all about the games and not the users. In fact there was no profile or history of user reviews on the first place page. So I decided to try out their product myself. If youre looking for a company thats all about software development in Vietnam but dont want to spend a fortune life1 is better choice. However if youre looking for an affordable online platform thats also a member of the live1 network - then life1 is better choice. You can find active user reviews and profiles on both companies websites as well as other important information like ratings and reviews in other languages. However life1 doesnt let me start your day by asking for passwords or giving them to you in an email. Life1 is just too easy- predecote dinners with my old partner


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4 months ago


Review Caption:

"Company Live1 Is A Terrible Company. They Always Try"

Live1, Review Specifics:

Company Live1 is a terrible company. They always try to game the system by selling products that they dont have or which are not really worth their weight in gold. And the customer is always right - they should never have to pay anything back even though they use their product. I would not recommend using this company at all.


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About Live1

Information written by the company or researched by Five.Reviews AI Editor

Reviewee Services Details: Live1: One-Stop-Shop comprehensive IT provider specializing with outsourcing and offshore software development whilst facilitating our customers going digital

Business Location

Live1: District 1 Vietnam

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