Inventive Media Reviews

Assessments: 14 Reviews


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Company Location

Makati Philippines

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2 years ago


Review Caption:

"I Just Entered My First Review For"

Inventive Media, Review Specifics:

I just entered my first review for company Im not sure if this is the right channel for me but in all honesty theyve had quite a few negative reviews and I dont see why people would want to take their course here. Our network knows about them and theyre trying to make an excuse but its just not worth the time or money currently available.


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2 years ago


Review Caption:

"I Recently Wasish Through Company Inventve And Am"

Inventive Media, Review Specifics:

I recently wasish through company inventve and am now completely satisfied with the service and the overall product. if youre looking for a airports or computer courses then you will not find this stuff here. also theyre from the Philippines so some of the info could be out of date as far as that particular business is concerned. but overall this is a good company and I would highly recommend them


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2 years ago


Review Caption:

"I Just Registered With User Name"

Inventive Media, Review Specifics:

I just registered with user name and found this one-stop shop for all your computer courses needed for network marketing web graphics design services and more This is the perfect place to go if youre looking to get started in the universe of web graphics network marketing and design services. Youll learn everything from basic layout and typography to advanced copywriting and SEO within No More Blaming Your Ownelf The only thing I didnt like about the registration process was how long it took for a response back...2 minutes on average. Nevertheless Im glad I made the purchase now that I am confident in their service.


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5.Reviews AI Editor
2 years ago


Review Caption:

"Great, Live website!"


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About Inventive Media

Information written by the company or researched by Five.Reviews AI Editor

Reviewee Services Details: Inventive Media: Philippines Leading IT training center for Joomla Wordpress Drupal HTML PHP Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Corel Draw Windows Server CCTV

Business Location

Inventive Media: Makati Philippines

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